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Best Current Practice (BCP) RFCs

                             BCP INDEX

This file was last updated on 03/08/2025.

This file contains citations for all BCPs in numeric order.  The BCPs
form a sub-series of the RFC document series, specifically those RFCs
with the status BEST CURRENT PRACTICE.

BCP citations appear in this format:

  #### Title of BCP.  Author 1, Author 2, Author 3.  Issue date.
       (Format: ASCII) (Obsoletes xxx) (Obsoleted by xxx) (Updates xxx)
       (Updated by xxx) (Also RFC####)

For example:

  0009 The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3. S. Bradner. October
       1996. (Format: TXT=86731 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1602) (Also RFC 2026)

Key to fields:

#### is the BCP number.  The remainder of the fields are the same as
those of the corresponding RFC, whose number is given in the final
(Also RFC####) field.

Following the BCP number are the title, the author(s), and the
publication date of the RFC.  Each of these is terminated by a period.

The format and length of the RFC follow in parenthesis.  One or more of
the following alternative formats are listed:  ASCII text (TXT),
PostScript (PS), and/or Portable Document Format (PDF). Each format is 
followed by an equals sign and the number of bytes for that version.  
For example (Format:  TXT=aaaaa, PS=bbbbbb bytes) shows that the ASCII 
text version is aaaaa bytes, and the PostScript version of the RFC is 
bbbbbb bytes.

Obsoletes xxxx refers to other RFCs that this one replaces;
Obsoleted by xxxx refers to RFCs that have replaced this one.
Updates xxxx refers to other RFCs that this one merely updates (but
does not replace); Updated by xxxx refers to RFCs that have updated
(but not replaced) this one.  Generally, only immediately succeeding
and/or preceding RFCs are indicated, not the entire history of each
related earlier or later RFC in a related series.

BCPs and other RFCs may be obtained using HTTP, FTP, or email.  See the
RFC Editor Web page

                                BCP INDEX


     [Was Best Current Practices. Now Historic.] BCP 2

     [Was Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure. Now Historic.] BCP 3

     Variance for The PPP Compression Control Protocol and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol. F. Kastenholz. February 1996. (Format: TXT =14347 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 1915) BCP 4

     An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA. P. Nesser II. February 1996. (Format: TXT =23623 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 1917) BCP 5

     Address Allocation for Private Internets. Y. Rekhter, B. Moskowitz, D. Karrenberg, G. J. de Groot, E. Lear. February 1996. (Format: TXT =22270 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1627, RFC 1597) (Updated by RFC 6761) (Also RFC 1918) BCP 6

     Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS). J. Hawkinson, T. Bates, J. Mitchell, J. Haas. July 2013. (Format: TXT=38431 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 1930, RFC 6996, RFC 7300) BCP 7

     Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing. Y. Rekhter, T. Li. October 1996. (Format: TXT =34717 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2008) BCP 8

     IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures. A. Weinrib, J. Postel. October 1996. (Format: TXT =27507 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2014) BCP 9

     The Internet Standards Process. S. Bradner, L. Dusseault, R. Sparks, R. Housley, D. Crocker, E. Burger, P. Resnick, O. Kolkman, S. Turner, S. Dawkins, J. Halpern, Ed., E. Rescorla, Ed., B. Rosen. September 2009. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 2026, RFC 5657, RFC 6410, RFC 7100, RFC 7127, RFC 7475, RFC 8789, RFC 9282) BCP 10

     IAB, IESG, IETF Trust, and IETF LLC Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the IETF Nominating and Recall Committees. M. Kucherawy, Ed., R. Hinden, Ed., J. Livingood, Ed., M. Duke. February 2020. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 8713, RFC 9389) BCP 11

     Entities Involved in the IETF Standards Process. R. Salz. June 2022. (Obsoletes RFC 2028) (Also RFC 9281) BCP 12

     [Was Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines. Now Historic.] BCP 13

     Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures. N. Freed, J. Klensin, T. Hansen. December 2005. (Format: TXT=74243 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2048) (Also RFC 4289, RFC 6838) BCP 14

     Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner, B. Leiba. (Format: TXT=10853 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2119, RFC 8174) BCP 15

     Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service. H. Alvestrand, P. Jurg. September 1997. (Format: TXT =31539 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2148) BCP 16

     Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers. R. Elz, R. Bush, S. Bradner, M. Patton. July 1997. (Format: TXT =27456 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2182) BCP 17

     Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services. M. Hamilton, R. Wright. October 1997. (Format: TXT =17858 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2219) BCP 18

     IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages. H. Alvestrand. January 1998. (Format: TXT =16622 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2277) BCP 19

     IANA Charset Registration Procedures. N. Freed, J. Postel. October 2000. (Format: TXT =21615 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2278) (Also RFC 2978) BCP 20

     Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation. H. Eidnes, G. de Groot, P. Vixie. March 1998. (Format: TXT =17744 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2317) BCP 21

     Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response. N. Brownlee, E. Guttman. June 1998. (Format: TXT =86545 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2350) BCP 22

     Guide for Internet Standards Writers. G. Scott. June 1998. (Format: TXT =47280 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2360) BCP 23

     Administratively Scoped IP Multicast. D. Meyer. July 1998. (Format: TXT =17770 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2365) BCP 24

     RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines. L. Berger. August 1998. (Format: TXT =15174 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2379) BCP 25

     IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures. S. Bradner, M. Wasserman, P. Resnick, A. Farrel. September 1998. (Format: TXT=114406 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2418, RFC 3934, RFC 7776, RFC 8716) BCP 26

     Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs. M. Cotton, B. Leiba, T. Narten. June 2017. (Format: TXT=109907 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 5226) (Also RFC 8126) BCP 27

     Advancement of MIB specifications on the IETF Standards Track. M. O'Dell, H. Alvestrand, B. Wijnen, S. Bradner. October 1998. (Format: TXT =13633 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2438) BCP 28

     Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels using Standard Mechanisms. M. Allman, D. Glover, L. Sanchez. January 1999. (Format: TXT =47857 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2488) BCP 29

     Procedure for Defining New DHCP Options. R. Droms. January 1999. (Format: TXT =10484 HTML= bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC 2939) (Also RFC 2489) BCP 30

     Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs. G. Lindberg. February 1999. (Format: TXT =53597 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2505) BCP 31

     Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure. K. Holtman, A. Mutz, T. Hardie. March 1999. (Format: TXT =24892 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2506) BCP 32

     Reserved Top Level DNS Names. D. Eastlake 3rd, A. Panitz. June 1999. (Format: TXT =8008 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 6761) (Also RFC 2606) BCP 33

     URN Namespace Definition Mechanisms. L. Daigle, D. van Gulik, R. Iannella, P. Faltstrom. June 1999. (Format: TXT =26916 HTML= bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC 3406) (Also RFC 2611) BCP 34

     Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in Routers. D. Senie. August 1999. (Format: TXT =6820 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 1812) (Also RFC 2644) BCP 35

     Guidelines and Registration Procedures for URI Schemes. D. Thaler, Ed., T. Hansen, T. Hardie. June 2015. (Format: TXT=42897 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 4395) (Updated by RFC 8615) (Also RFC 7595) BCP 36

     Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format Specifications. M. Handley, C. Perkins. December 1999. (Format: TXT =24143 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 8088) (Also RFC 2736) BCP 37

     IANA Allocation Guidelines. S. Bradner, V. Paxson, J. Arkko. (Format: TXT=28395 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2780, RFC 5237) BCP 38

     Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing. P. Ferguson, D. Senie. May 2000. (Format: TXT =21258 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2267) (Updated by RFC 3704) (Also RFC 2827) BCP 39

     IAB Charter. Internet Architecture Board, B. Carpenter, Ed.. May 2000. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 2850, RFC 9283) BCP 40

     DNS Root Name Service Protocol and Deployment Requirements. M. Blanchet, L-J. Liman. December 2015. (Format: TXT=10552 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2870) (Also RFC 7720) BCP 41

     Congestion Control Principles. S. Floyd, B. Briscoe, J. Manner. September 2000. (Format: TXT=147304 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2914, RFC 7141) BCP 42

     Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations. D. Eastlake 3rd. April 2013. (Format: TXT=38979 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 6195) (Updates RFC 1183, RFC 2845, RFC 2930, RFC 3597) (Also RFC 6895) BCP 43

     Procedures and IANA Guidelines for Definition of New DHCP Options and Message Types. R. Droms. September 2000. (Format: TXT =13631 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2489) (Also RFC 2939) BCP 44

     Use of HTTP State Management. K. Moore, N. Freed. October 2000. (Format: TXT =18899 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 2964) BCP 45

     IETF Discussion List Charter. L. Eggert, S. Harris. June 2022. (Obsoletes RFC 3005) (Updates RFC 3683) (Also RFC 9245) BCP 46

     Recommended Internet Service Provider Security Services and Procedures. T. Killalea. November 2000. (Format: TXT =27905 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3013) BCP 47

     Language Tags. A. Phillips, M. Davis. (Format: TXT=254322 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4647, RFC 5646) BCP 48

     End-to-end Performance Implications of Slow Links. S. Dawkins, G. Montenegro, M. Kojo, V. Magret. July 2001. (Format: TXT =39942 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3150) BCP 49

     Delegation of IP6.ARPA. R. Bush. August 2001. (Format: TXT =5727 HTML= bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC 3596) (Updates RFC 2874, RFC 2772, RFC 2766, RFC 2553, RFC 1886) (Also RFC 3152) BCP 50

     End-to-end Performance Implications of Links with Errors. S. Dawkins, G. Montenegro, M. Kojo, V. Magret, N. Vaidya. August 2001. (Format: TXT =36388 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3155) BCP 51

     IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments. M. Cotton, L. Vegoda, D. Meyer. March 2010. (Format: TXT=22239 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3138, RFC 3171) (Updates RFC 2780) (Also RFC 5771) BCP 52

     Management Guidelines & Operational Requirements for the Address and Routing Parameter Area Domain ("arpa"). G. Huston, Ed.. September 2001. (Format: TXT =18097 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 9120) (Also RFC 3172) BCP 53

     GLOP Addressing in 233/8. D. Meyer, P. Lothberg. September 2001. (Format: TXT =8225 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2770) (Also RFC 3180) BCP 54

     IETF Guidelines for Conduct. S. Moonesamy, Ed.. March 2014. (Format: TXT=12363 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3184) (Also RFC 7154) BCP 55

     Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving. D. Brezinski, T. Killalea. February 2002. (Format: TXT =18468 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3227) BCP 56

     Building Protocols with HTTP. M. Nottingham. June 2022. (Obsoletes RFC 3205) (Also RFC 9205) BCP 57

     IANA Considerations for IPv4 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). B. Fenner. February 2002. (Format: TXT =6473 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3228) BCP 58

     Defining the IETF. P. Hoffman, S. Bradner. February 2002. (Format: TXT =6401 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3233) BCP 59

     A Transient Prefix for Identifying Profiles under Development by the Working Groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force. M. Rose. July 2002. (Format: TXT =7916 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3349) BCP 60

     Inappropriate TCP Resets Considered Harmful. S. Floyd. August 2002. (Format: TXT =46748 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3360) BCP 61

     Strong Security Requirements for Internet Engineering Task Force Standard Protocols. J. Schiller. August 2002. (Format: TXT =16411 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3365) BCP 62

     Advice to link designers on link Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ). G. Fairhurst, L. Wood. August 2002. (Format: TXT =66097 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3366) BCP 63

     Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures. A. Vemuri, J. Peterson. September 2002. (Format: TXT =49893 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3372) BCP 64

     Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). K. Zeilenga. June 2006. (Format: TXT=34298 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3383) (Also RFC 4520) BCP 65

     Registration Rules for URI.ARPA. M. Mealling, T. Hardie. October 2002. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 3405, RFC 8958) BCP 67

     The SIP Change Process. J. Peterson, C. Jennings, R. Sparks, B. Campbell, Ed., A. Cooper, B. Leiba. March 2010. (Format: TXT=47266 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5727, RFC 7957) BCP 68

     Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations Update. W. Townsley. December 2002. (Format: TXT =9135 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3438) BCP 69

     TCP Performance Implications of Network Path Asymmetry. H. Balakrishnan, V. Padmanabhan, G. Fairhurst, M. Sooriyabandara. December 2002. (Format: TXT =108839 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3449) BCP 70

     Guidelines for the Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) within IETF Protocols. S. Hollenbeck, M. Rose, L. Masinter. January 2003. (Format: TXT =64252 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 8996) (Also RFC 3470) BCP 71

     TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation Wireless Networks. H. Inamura, Ed., G. Montenegro, Ed., R. Ludwig, A. Gurtov, F. Khafizov. February 2003. (Format: TXT =61528 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3481) BCP 72

     Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations. E. Rescorla, B. Korver, F. Gont, I. Arce. July 2003. (Format: TXT=135529 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3552, RFC 9416) BCP 73

     An IETF URN Sub-namespace for Registered Protocol Parameters. M. Mealling, L. Masinter, T. Hardie, G. Klyne. June 2003. (Format: TXT =14815 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3553) BCP 74

     Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework. R. Frye, D. Levi, S. Routhier, B. Wijnen. August 2003. (Format: TXT =115222 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2576) (Also RFC 3584) BCP 75

     Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow Examples. A. Johnston, S. Donovan, R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, K. Summers. December 2003. (Format: TXT =163159 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3665) BCP 76

     Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows. A. Johnston, S. Donovan, R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, K. Summers. December 2003. (Format: TXT =200478 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3666) BCP 77

     IETF ISOC Board of Trustee Appointment Procedures. L. Daigle, Ed., Internet Architecture Board. December 2003. (Format: TXT =13008 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3677) BCP 78

     Rights Contributors Provide to the IETF Trust. S. Bradner, Ed., J. Contreras, Ed.. November 2008. (Format: TXT=37980 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3978, RFC 4748) (Updates RFC 2026) (Also RFC 5378) BCP 79

     Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology. S. Bradner, J. Contreras. May 2017. (Format: TXT=65486 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3979, RFC 4879) (Updates RFC 2026) (Also RFC 8179) BCP 80

     Delegation of E.F.F.3.IP6.ARPA. R. Bush, R. Fink. January 2004. (Format: TXT =7137 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3681) BCP 81

     The IETF XML Registry. M. Mealling. January 2004. (Format: TXT =17325 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3688) BCP 82

     Assigning Experimental and Testing Numbers Considered Useful. T. Narten. January 2004. (Format: TXT =15054 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 2434) (Also RFC 3692) BCP 83

     A Practice for Revoking Posting Rights to IETF Mailing Lists. M. Rose. March 2004. (Format: TXT =15698 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 9245) (Also RFC 3683) BCP 84

     Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks. F. Baker, P. Savola, K. Sriram, D. Montgomery, J. Haas. March 2004. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 3704, RFC 8704) BCP 85

     Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). J. Rosenberg, J. Peterson, H. Schulzrinne, G. Camarillo. April 2004. (Format: TXT =77308 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3725) BCP 86

     Determining Strengths For Public Keys Used For Exchanging Symmetric Keys. H. Orman, P. Hoffman. April 2004. (Format: TXT =55939 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3766) BCP 87

     Use of Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Metric as a second MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric. F. Le Faucheur, R. Uppili, A. Vedrenne, P. Merckx, T. Telkamp. May 2004. (Format: TXT =17475 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3785) BCP 88

     IANA Considerations for the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). V. Schryver. June 2004. (Format: TXT =6321 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3818) BCP 89

     Advice for Internet Subnetwork Designers. P. Karn, Ed., C. Bormann, G. Fairhurst, D. Grossman, R. Ludwig, J. Mahdavi, G. Montenegro, J. Touch, L. Wood, B. Briscoe, J. Kaippallimalil. July 2004. (Format: TXT=234656 bytes) (Also RFC 3819, RFC 9599) BCP 90

     Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields. G. Klyne, M. Nottingham, J. Mogul. September 2004. (Format: TXT =36231 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 9110) (Also RFC 3864) BCP 91

     DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines. A. Durand, J. Ihren. September 2004. (Format: TXT =10025 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3901) BCP 92

     IESG Procedures for Handling of Independent and IRTF Stream Submissions. H. Alvestrand, R. Housley. December 2009. (Format: TXT=21067 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3932) (Updates RFC 2026, RFC 3710) (Also RFC 5742) BCP 93

     A Model for IETF Process Experiments. J. Klensin, S. Dawkins. November 2004. (Format: TXT =14409 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3933) BCP 94

     [BCP number 94 is retired. It was mistakenly assigned to RFC 3934. RFC 3934 is part of BCP 25.] BCP 95

     A Mission Statement for the IETF. H. Alvestrand. October 2004. (Format: TXT =16639 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3935) BCP 96

     Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP). K. Kompella, J. Lang. October 2004. (Format: TXT =15314 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3209, RFC 2205) (Also RFC 3936) BCP 97

     Handling Normative References to Standards-Track Documents. R. Bush, T. Narten, J. Klensin, S. Hartman, B. Leiba. June 2007. (Format: TXT=31696 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 3967, RFC 4897, RFC 8067) BCP 98

     The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Header Field Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). G. Camarillo. December 2004. (Format: TXT =20615 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3427) (Also RFC 3968) BCP 99

     The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Parameter Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). G. Camarillo. December 2004. (Format: TXT =12119 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3427) (Updated by RFC 5727) (Also RFC 3969) BCP 100

     Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points. M. Cotton. January 2014. (Format: TXT=17722 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 4020) (Also RFC 7120) BCP 101

     Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA). B. Haberman, J. Hall, J. Livingood, J. Arkko, T. Hardie, J. Klensin, Ed.. January 2006. (Format: TXT=72632 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8711, RFC 8714, RFC 8717) BCP 102

     IAB Processes for Management of IETF Liaison Relationships. L. Daigle, Ed., Internet Architecture Board. April 2005. (Format: TXT=18360 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4052) BCP 103

     Procedures for Handling Liaison Statements to and from the IETF. S. Trowbridge, S. Bradner, F. Baker. April 2005. (Format: TXT=38816 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4053) BCP 104

     Terminology for Describing Internet Connectivity. J. Klensin. May 2005. (Format: TXT=24522 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4084) BCP 105

     Embedding Globally-Routable Internet Addresses Considered Harmful. D. Plonka. June 2005. (Format: TXT=22656 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4085) BCP 106

     Randomness Requirements for Security. D. Eastlake 3rd, J. Schiller, S. Crocker. June 2005. (Format: TXT=114321 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1750) (Also RFC 4086) BCP 107

     Guidelines for Cryptographic Key Management. S. Bellovin, R. Housley. June 2005. (Format: TXT=14752 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4107) BCP 108

     IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Metrics Registry. E. Stephan. August 2005. (Format: TXT=23074 HTML= bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC 6248) (Also RFC 4148) BCP 109

     Deprecation of "". G. Huston. August 2005. (Format: TXT=5353 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4159) BCP 110

     Tunneling Multiplexed Compressed RTP (TCRTP). B. Thompson, T. Koren, D. Wing. November 2005. (Format: TXT=48990 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4170) BCP 111

     Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of MIB Documents. C. Heard, Ed.. March 2007. (Format: TXT=106997 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4181, RFC 4841) BCP 112

     Prioritized Treatment of Specific OSPF Version 2 Packets and Congestion Avoidance. G. Choudhury, Ed.. October 2005. (Format: TXT=34132 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 9454) (Also RFC 4222) BCP 114

     BGP Communities for Data Collection. D. Meyer. February 2006. (Format: TXT=26078 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4384) BCP 115

     [BCP number 115 is retired. It was mistakenly assigned to RFC 4395. RFC 4395 is BCP 35.] BCP 116

     IANA Allocations for Pseudowire Edge to Edge Emulation (PWE3). L. Martini. April 2006. (Format: TXT=19782 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4446) BCP 117

     Interworking between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and QSIG. J. Elwell, F. Derks, P. Mourot, O. Rousseau. May 2006. (Format: TXT=149992 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 8996) (Also RFC 4497) BCP 118

     Considerations for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Extensions. K. Zeilenga. June 2006. (Format: TXT=34585 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4521) BCP 119

     Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - Conferencing for User Agents. A. Johnston, O. Levin. August 2006. (Format: TXT=96506 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4579) BCP 120

     Source-Specific Protocol Independent Multicast in 232/8. D. Meyer, R. Rockell, G. Shepherd. August 2006. (Format: TXT=15030 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4608) BCP 121

     Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) Deployment Scenarios. M. McBride, J. Meylor, D. Meyer. August 2006. (Format: TXT=33230 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4611) BCP 122

     Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan. V. Fuller, T. Li. August 2006. (Format: TXT=66944 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1519) (Also RFC 4632) BCP 123

     Observed DNS Resolution Misbehavior. M. Larson, P. Barber. October 2006. (Format: TXT=45187 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 9520) (Also RFC 4697) BCP 124

     Specifying Alternate Semantics for the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Field. S. Floyd. November 2006. (Format: TXT=37144 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 6040) (Also RFC 4774) BCP 125

     Procedures for Protocol Extensions and Variations. S. Bradner, B. Carpenter, Ed., T. Narten. December 2006. (Format: TXT=32797 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4775) BCP 126

     Operation of Anycast Services. J. Abley, K. Lindqvist. December 2006. (Format: TXT=56818 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4786) BCP 127

     Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral Requirements for Unicast UDP. F. Audet, Ed., C. Jennings, S. Perreault, Ed., I. Yamagata, S. Miyakawa, A. Nakagawa, H. Ashida, R. Penno, S. Perreault, M. Boucadair, Ed., S. Sivakumar, K. Naito. April 2013. (Format: TXT=130642 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4787, RFC 6888, RFC 7857) BCP 128

     Avoiding Equal Cost Multipath Treatment in MPLS Networks. G. Swallow, S. Bryant, L. Andersson. June 2007. (Format: TXT=18376 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 7274) (Also RFC 4928) BCP 129

     Change Process for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Protocols and Procedures. L. Andersson, Ed., A. Farrel, Ed.. June 2007. (Format: TXT=56742 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4929) BCP 130

     IANA Considerations for OSPF. K. Kompella, B. Fenner. July 2007. (Format: TXT=27595 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4940) BCP 131

     Symmetric RTP / RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). D. Wing. July 2007. (Format: TXT=12539 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4961) BCP 132

     Guidance for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Key Management. R. Housley, B. Aboba. July 2007. (Format: TXT=54927 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 4962) BCP 133

     Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms. S. Floyd, M. Allman. August 2007. (Format: TXT=23469 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5033) BCP 134

     Email Submission Operations: Access and Accountability Requirements. C. Hutzler, D. Crocker, P. Resnick, E. Allman, T. Finch. November 2007. (Format: TXT=24481 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 8314) (Also RFC 5068) BCP 135

     IP Multicast Requirements for a Network Address Translator (NAT) and a Network Address Port Translator (NAPT). D. Wing, T. Eckert. February 2008. (Format: TXT=36528 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5135) BCP 136

     Secure Connectivity and Mobility Using Mobile IPv4 and IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming (MOBIKE). V. Devarapalli, P. Eronen. June 2008. (Format: TXT=33186 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5266) BCP 137

     ASCII Escaping of Unicode Characters. J. Klensin. February 2008. (Format: TXT=27742 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5137) BCP 138

     A Registry for SMTP Enhanced Mail System Status Codes. T. Hansen, J. Klensin. June 2008. (Format: TXT=23845 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3463, RFC 4468, RFC 4954) (Also RFC 5248) BCP 139

     Templates for Internet-Drafts Containing MIB Modules. D. Harrington, Ed.. July 2008. (Format: TXT=7362 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5249) BCP 140

     Preventing Use of Recursive Nameservers in Reflector Attacks. J. Damas, F. Neves. October 2008. (Format: TXT=14957 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5358) BCP 141

     IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters. D. Eastlake 3rd, J. Abley, Y. Li. April 2024. (Obsoletes RFC 7042) (Also RFC 9542) BCP 142

     NAT Behavioral Requirements for TCP. S. Guha, Ed., K. Biswas, B. Ford, S. Sivakumar, P. Srisuresh. October 2008. (Format: TXT=50306 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 7857) (Also RFC 5382) BCP 143

     Deployment Considerations for Lemonade-Compliant Mobile Email. R. Gellens. October 2008. (Format: TXT=28290 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5383) BCP 144

     Session Initiation Protocol Service Examples. A. Johnston, Ed., R. Sparks, C. Cunningham, S. Donovan, K. Summers. October 2008. (Format: TXT=289446 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5359) BCP 145

     UDP Usage Guidelines. L. Eggert, G. Fairhurst, G. Shepherd. March 2017. (Format: TXT=145359 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 5405) (Updated by RFC 8899) (Also RFC 8085) BCP 146

     Guidelines for Specifying the Use of IPsec Version 2. S. Bellovin. February 2009. (Format: TXT=30393 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5406) BCP 147

     Example Call Flows of Race Conditions in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). M. Hasebe, J. Koshiko, Y. Suzuki, T. Yoshikawa, P. Kyzivat. December 2008. (Format: TXT=120005 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5407) BCP 148

     NAT Behavioral Requirements for ICMP. P. Srisuresh, B. Ford, S. Sivakumar, S. Guha. April 2009. (Format: TXT=67985 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 7857) (Also RFC 5508) BCP 149

     Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - Transfer. R. Sparks, A. Johnston, Ed., D. Petrie. June 2009. (Format: TXT=119434 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5589) BCP 150

     Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral Requirements for the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol. R. Denis-Courmont. September 2009. (Format: TXT=18933 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5597) BCP 151

     H.248/MEGACO Registration Procedures. C. Groves, Y. Lin. August 2009. (Format: TXT=29069 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5615) BCP 152

     DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines. R. Bellis. August 2009. (Format: TXT=24585 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5625) BCP 153

     Special-Purpose IP Address Registries. J. Weil, V. Kuarsingh, C. Donley, C. Liljenstolpe, M. Azinger, M. Cotton, L. Vegoda, R. Bonica, Ed., B. Haberman. April 2012. (Format: TXT=80664 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6598, RFC 6890, RFC 8190) BCP 154

     Considerations for Civic Addresses in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO): Guidelines and IANA Registry Definition. K. Wolf, A. Mayrhofer. March 2010. (Format: TXT=68468 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 4776) (Also RFC 5774) BCP 155

     Nameservers for IPv4 and IPv6 Reverse Zones. J. Abley, T. Manderson. May 2010. (Format: TXT=23027 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 5855) BCP 156

     Recommendations for Transport-Protocol Port Randomization. M. Larsen, F. Gont. January 2011. (Format: TXT=63913 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6056) BCP 157

     IPv6 Address Assignment to End Sites. T. Narten, G. Huston, L. Roberts. March 2011. (Format: TXT=21231 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3177) (Also RFC 6177) BCP 158

     RADIUS Design Guidelines. A. DeKok, Ed., G. Weber. March 2011. (Format: TXT=89319 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 6929, RFC 8044) (Also RFC 6158) BCP 159

     Reducing the TIME-WAIT State Using TCP Timestamps. F. Gont. April 2011. (Format: TXT=22953 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6191) BCP 160

     An Architecture for Location and Location Privacy in Internet Applications. R. Barnes, M. Lepinski, A. Cooper, J. Morris, H. Tschofenig, H. Schulzrinne. July 2011. (Format: TXT=99801 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3693, RFC 3694) (Also RFC 6280) BCP 161

     Guidelines for the Use of the "OAM" Acronym in the IETF. L. Andersson, H. van Helvoort, R. Bonica, D. Romascanu, S. Mansfield. June 2011. (Format: TXT=16696 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6291) BCP 162

     Logging Recommendations for Internet-Facing Servers. A. Durand, I. Gashinsky, D. Lee, S. Sheppard. June 2011. (Format: TXT=10039 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6302) BCP 163

     Locally Served DNS Zones. M. Andrews. (Format: TXT=30352 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6303, RFC 7793) BCP 164

     IANA Considerations for Network Layer Protocol Identifiers. D. Eastlake 3rd. July 2011. (Format: TXT=16123 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6328) BCP 165

     Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Procedures for the Management of the Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. M. Cotton, L. Eggert, J. Touch, M. Westerlund, S. Cheshire. August 2011. (Format: TXT=137235 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6335, RFC 7605) BCP 166

     Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF. P. Hoffman, J. Klensin. September 2011. (Format: TXT=103155 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3536) (Also RFC 6365) BCP 167

     DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Mailing Lists. M. Kucherawy. September 2011. (Format: TXT=61792 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6377) BCP 168

     IP Router Alert Considerations and Usage. F. Le Faucheur, Ed.. October 2011. (Format: TXT=44914 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 2113, RFC 2711) (Also RFC 6398) BCP 169

     Unique Origin Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) per Node for Globally Anycasted Services. D. McPherson, R. Donnelly, F. Scalzo. October 2011. (Format: TXT=25224 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6382) BCP 170

     Guidelines for Considering New Performance Metric Development. A. Clark, B. Claise. October 2011. (Format: TXT=49930 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6390) BCP 171

     Time to Remove Filters for Previously Unallocated IPv4 /8s. L. Vegoda. November 2011. (Format: TXT=8646 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6441) BCP 172

     Recommendation for Not Using AS_SET and AS_CONFED_SET in BGP. W. Kumari, K. Sriram. December 2011. (Format: TXT=10673 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6472) BCP 173

     Certificate Policy (CP) for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). S. Kent, D. Kong, K. Seo, R. Watro. February 2012. (Format: TXT=160361 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6484, RFC 7382) BCP 174

     Certification Authority (CA) Key Rollover in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). G. Huston, G. Michaelson, S. Kent. February 2012. (Format: TXT=23060 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6489) BCP 175

     Procedures for Maintaining the Time Zone Database. E. Lear, P. Eggert. February 2012. (Format: TXT=18469 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6557) BCP 176

     IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Standard Advancement Testing. R. Geib, Ed., A. Morton, R. Fardid, A. Steinmitz. March 2012. (Format: TXT=84447 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6576) BCP 177

     IPv6 Support Required for All IP-Capable Nodes. W. George, C. Donley, C. Liljenstolpe, L. Howard. April 2012. (Format: TXT=12883 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6540) BCP 178

     Deprecating the "X-" Prefix and Similar Constructs in Application Protocols. P. Saint-Andre, D. Crocker, M. Nottingham. June 2012. (Format: TXT=28393 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6648) BCP 179

     Deprecate DES, RC4-HMAC-EXP, and Other Weak Cryptographic Algorithms in Kerberos. L. Hornquist Astrand, T. Yu. July 2012. (Format: TXT=13498 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 1510) (Updates RFC 1964, RFC 4120, RFC 4121, RFC 4757) (Also RFC 6649) BCP 180

     DHCPv6 Redundancy Deployment Considerations. J. Brzozowski, J. Tremblay, J. Chen, T. Mrugalski. February 2013. (Format: TXT=34209 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6853) BCP 181

     Best Current Practice for Communications Services in Support of Emergency Calling. B. Rosen, J. Polk. March 2013. (Format: TXT=63007 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 7840, RFC 7852) (Also RFC 6881) BCP 182

     Algorithm Agility Procedure for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). R. Gagliano, S. Kent, S. Turner. April 2013. (Format: TXT=48395 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6916) BCP 183

     A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Examples. P. Saint-Andre. May 2013. (Format: TXT=11749 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 6963) BCP 184

     Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Elements. B. Trammell, B. Claise. September 2013. (Format: TXT=76406 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7013) BCP 185

     Multicast in Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS). R. Aggarwal, Ed., Y. Kamite, L. Fang, Y. Rekhter, C. Kodeboniya, Y. Gilad, S. Goldberg, K. Sriram, J. Snijders, B. Maddison. February 2014. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 7115, RFC 9319) BCP 186

     Recommendations on Filtering of IPv4 Packets Containing IPv4 Options. F. Gont, R. Atkinson, C. Pignataro. February 2014. (Format: TXT=72504 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7126) BCP 187

     Guidelines for Creating New DHCPv6 Options. D. Hankins, T. Mrugalski, M. Siodelski, S. Jiang, S. Krishnan. May 2014. (Format: TXT=83694 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3315) (Also RFC 7227) BCP 188

     Pervasive Monitoring Is an Attack. S. Farrell, H. Tschofenig. May 2014. (Format: TXT=13396 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7258) BCP 189

     An Acceptable Use Policy for New ICMP Types and Codes. M. Shore, C. Pignataro. May 2014. (Format: TXT=17829 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7279) BCP 190

     URI Design and Ownership. M. Nottingham. June 2020. (Obsoletes RFC 7320) (Updates RFC 3986) (Also RFC 8820) BCP 191

     IANA Considerations for Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) Code Points. D. Eastlake 3rd. July 2014. (Format: TXT=7759 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7319) BCP 193

     Diameter Applications Design Guidelines. L. Morand, Ed., V. Fajardo, H. Tschofenig. November 2014. (Format: TXT=67829 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7423) BCP 194

     BGP Operations and Security. J. Durand, I. Pepelnjak, G. Doering. February 2015. (Format: TXT=56946 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7454) BCP 195

     Deprecating TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Y. Sheffer, R. Holz, P. Saint-Andre, K. Moriarty, S. Farrell, T. Fossati. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 8996, RFC 9325) BCP 196

     Deprecating the Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers. O. Troan, B. Carpenter, Ed.. May 2015. (Format: TXT=20894 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 3068, RFC 6732) (Also RFC 7526) BCP 197

     IETF Recommendations Regarding Active Queue Management. F. Baker, Ed., G. Fairhurst, Ed.. July 2015. (Format: TXT=76832 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 2309) (Also RFC 7567) BCP 198

     IPv6 Prefix Length Recommendation for Forwarding. M. Boucadair, A. Petrescu, F. Baker. July 2015. (Format: TXT=10818 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7608) BCP 199

     DHCPv6-Shield: Protecting against Rogue DHCPv6 Servers. F. Gont, W. Liu, G. Van de Velde. August 2015. (Format: TXT=26119 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7610) BCP 200

     IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic Technology and the Internet. IAB, IESG. August 1996. (Format: TXT =10738 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 1984) BCP 201

     Guidelines for Cryptographic Algorithm Agility and Selecting Mandatory-to-Implement Algorithms. R. Housley. November 2015. (Format: TXT=50543 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7696) BCP 202

     Reducing Energy Consumption of Router Advertisements. A. Yourtchenko, L. Colitti. February 2016. (Format: TXT=12555 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7772) BCP 203

     Changing the Registration Policy for the NETCONF Capability URNs Registry. B. Leiba. February 2016. (Format: TXT=5133 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 6241) (Also RFC 7803) BCP 204

     Host Address Availability Recommendations. L. Colitti, V. Cerf, S. Cheshire, D. Schinazi. July 2016. (Format: TXT=37124 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7934) BCP 205

     Improving Awareness of Running Code: The Implementation Status Section. Y. Sheffer, A. Farrel. July 2016. (Format: TXT=17273 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 6982) (Also RFC 7942) BCP 206

     Problem Statement and Architecture for Information Exchange between Interconnected Traffic-Engineered Networks. A. Farrel, Ed., J. Drake, N. Bitar, G. Swallow, D. Ceccarelli, X. Zhang. July 2016. (Format: TXT=159905 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 7926) BCP 207

     DNSSEC Roadblock Avoidance. W. Hardaker, O. Gudmundsson, S. Krishnaswamy. November 2016. (Format: TXT=40173 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8027) BCP 208

     Network Transport Circuit Breakers. G. Fairhurst. March 2017. (Format: TXT=61712 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8084) BCP 209

     Initializing a DNS Resolver with Priming Queries. P. Koch, M. Larson, P. Hoffman. February 2025. (Obsoletes RFC 8109) (Also RFC 9609) BCP 210

     Minimal IPv6 over the TSCH Mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (6TiSCH) Configuration. X. Vilajosana, Ed., K. Pister, T. Watteyne. May 2017. (Format: TXT=60068 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8180) BCP 211

     BGPsec Operational Considerations. R. Bush. September 2017. (Format: TXT=21086 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8207) BCP 212

     OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps. W. Denniss, J. Bradley. October 2017. (Format: TXT=49680 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 6749) (Also RFC 8252) BCP 213

     Use of Multicast across Inter-domain Peering Points. P. Tarapore, Ed., R. Sayko, G. Shepherd, T. Eckert, Ed., R. Krishnan. January 2018. (Format: TXT=98809 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8313) BCP 214

     Mitigating the Negative Impact of Maintenance through BGP Session Culling. W. Hargrave, M. Griswold, J. Snijders, N. Hilliard. March 2018. (Format: TXT=18087 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8327) BCP 215

     YANG Tree Diagrams. M. Bjorklund, L. Berger, Ed.. March 2018. (Format: TXT=23841 HTML= bytes) (Updated by RFC 8791) (Also RFC 8340) BCP 216

     Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of Documents Containing YANG Data Models. A. Bierman. October 2018. (Format: TXT=123260 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 6087) (Updated by RFC 8819) (Also RFC 8407) BCP 217

     Guidelines for Multihomed and IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE). P. Martinsen, T. Reddy, P. Patil. July 2018. (Format: TXT=20268 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8421) BCP 218

     Deprecate Triple-DES (3DES) and RC4 in Kerberos. B. Kaduk, M. Short. October 2018. (Format: TXT=22340 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 3961, RFC 4120) (Also RFC 8429) BCP 219

     DNS Terminology. P. Hoffman, K. Fujiwara. March 2024. (Format: HTML=128960 TEXT= v3PDF= XML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 8499) (Updates RFC 2308) (Also RFC 9499) BCP 220

     IPv6 Node Requirements. T. Chown, J. Loughney, T. Winters. January 2019. (Format: TXT=96133 HTML= bytes) (Obsoletes RFC 6434) (Also RFC 8504) BCP 221

     Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Object Tagging. S. Hollenbeck, A. Newton. November 2018. (Format: TXT=22381 HTML= bytes) (Updates RFC 7484) (Also RFC 8521) BCP 222

     DNS Underscored Naming. D. Crocker. (Format: TXT=68901 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8552, RFC 8553) BCP 223

     Network Time Protocol Best Current Practices. D. Reilly, H. Stenn, D. Sibold. July 2019. (Format: TXT=60651 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8633) BCP 224

     BGPsec Router Certificate Rollover. B. Weis, R. Gagliano, K. Patel. August 2019. (Format: TXT=26170 HTML= bytes) (Also RFC 8634) BCP 225

     JSON Web Token Best Current Practices. Y. Sheffer, D. Hardt, M. Jones. February 2020. (Updates RFC 7519) (Also RFC 8725) BCP 226

     Meeting Venue Selection and Policy. E. Lear, Ed., S. Krishnan, M. Duke, J. Daley, Ed., S. Turner. (Format: bytes) (Also RFC 8718, RFC 8719, RFC 9137, RFC 9712) BCP 227

     Deprecating RC4 in Secure Shell (SSH). L. Velvindron. April 2020. (Updates RFC 4253) (Also RFC 8758) BCP 228

     Best Practices for Securing RTP Media Signaled with SIP. J. Peterson, R. Barnes, R. Housley. January 2021. (Also RFC 8862) BCP 229

     Deprecating Any-Source Multicast (ASM) for Interdomain Multicast. M. Abrahamsson, T. Chown, L. Giuliano, T. Eckert. August 2020. (Also RFC 8815) BCP 230

     IP Fragmentation Considered Fragile. R. Bonica, F. Baker, G. Huston, R. Hinden, O. Troan, F. Gont. September 2020. (Also RFC 8900) BCP 231

     A Common Operational Problem in DNS Servers: Failure to Communicate. M. Andrews, R. Bellis. September 2020. (Also RFC 8906) BCP 232

     Recommendations for DNS Privacy Service Operators. S. Dickinson, B. Overeinder, R. van Rijswijk-Deij, A. Mankin. October 2020. (Also RFC 8932) BCP 233

     Requirements for Time-Based Loss Detection. M. Allman. November 2020. (Also RFC 8961) BCP 234

     Improving the Reaction of Customer Edge Routers to IPv6 Renumbering Events. F. Gont, J. ˇor˛, R. Patterson, B. Volz. August 2021. (Updates RFC 7084) (Also RFC 9096) BCP 235

     DNS Transport over TCP - Operational Requirements. J. Kristoff, D. Wessels. March 2022. (Updates RFC 1123, RFC 1536) (Also RFC 9210) BCP 236

     Guidance for NSEC3 Parameter Settings. W. Hardaker, V. Dukhovni. August 2022. (Updates RFC 5155) (Also RFC 9276) BCP 237

     DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). P. Hoffman. February 2023. (Also RFC 9364) BCP 238

     Avoiding Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) Containing Multiple IP Prefixes. Z. Yan, R. Bush, G. Geng, T. de Kock, J. Yao. August 2023. (Also RFC 9455) BCP 239

     Open Participation Principle regarding Remote Registration Fee. M. Kühlewind, J. Reed, R. Salz. December 2023. (Also RFC 9501) BCP 240

     Best Current Practice for OAuth 2.0 Security. T. Lodderstedt, J. Bradley, A. Labunets, D. Fett. January 2025. (Updates RFC 6749, RFC 6750, RFC 6819) (Also RFC 9700)


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